Background: Interbrand is best known for our annual Best Global Brands ranking. But this time, we shifted our point of view – we’ve gone local. Yes, local. Because we realized everyone has a favorite neighborhood brand. Whether it’s the bakery down the street, where you buy bread and milk every morning, or the shop around the corner, where you’ve bought clothes for years. These are special places that are known to few. And there are hundreds of them spread all over the city, rooted in the most intriguing parts of every neighborhood. Problem: These special places are slowly disappearing. Giant shopping centres have been engulfing small neighborhood businesses for the past decades. Still, large-scale companies don’t seem to have quite as much personality and emotional bond. So, how can we remind people of the importance of these unique, beloved neighborhood brands? How can we show big brands how much can be learned from them? The Idea: We asked people about their favorite neighborhood brand and created Best Bairro Brands: a study that brings out the best of São Paulo in the shape and size of a cellphone, combining digital and print. The publication resembles the famous and nostalgic Yellow Pages – surprisingly, still a strong media vehicle today among neighborhood brands. It doesn’t break, it’s never out of signal, and it’s fully charged with the passion people have for each and every corner of the city. Best Bairro Brands invites its owner to discover their surroundings, brought much closer to you by 32GB of yellow paper than Google Maps ever did.